Setting Your Child Up for Success: Encouragement and Motivation

One of the greatest teachers I’ve ever known taught me the importance of encouragement —and its relationship to motivation—in a grammar school classroom. She embedded into each day moments of […]
Setting Your Child Up for Success in School and Life: The Swinging Bridge

There’s a reason why so many stories involve journeys –walking through woods like Goldilocks, trying to get home after the Trojan Wars like Odysseus, or charging forward like the Knights […]
On Choosing a School

New Covenant operates on what we call the Continuous Enrollment Contract. This means that your child’s seat is protected and your child is automatically advanced to the next grade each […]
What’s Most Important in the Classroom? The Teacher

Years ago in the early 2000s, an educational consultant I respected confidently asserted that I had better pay attention to remote learning. He suggested that the school would increasingly face […]
The Advantage of a Classical, Christian Education

I have often been asked, “How would you summarize the advantages of classical education compared to modern education models?” First, we should make sure we understand what we mean by […]
Poetry, The Arts and The Imagination

Our imaginations should be nourished as an instrument by which we know reality. While C.S. Lewis espoused many thought-provoking ideas, this lesson is a difficult, perhaps impossible one for us […]
STEM, STEAM, and STREAM? You Don’t Have to Choose

Let me just say it and get it out of the way: there’s nothing wrong with STEM. Science, technology, engineering and math are all good pursuits. President Obama put out […]
Dr. Paul McClure To Speak To The School of Rhetoric

The School of Rhetoric will have the pleasure of hearing Dr. Paul McClure speak to them on November 13th at 1:10 pm. in the Moomaw Gymnasium. His topic will be, […]
Bon Appetit! When Poetry is the Feast

The following post was contributed by faculty members, Kathryn Martin and Starlet Baker, after attending a lecture hosted by the Trinity Forum in Washington D.C. Poet Dana Gioia, the former […]
Poetry – What Siri Cannot Understand, But Humans Should

The following post was contributed by faculty members, Kathryn Martin and Starlet Baker, after attending a lecture hosted by the Trinity Forum in Washington D.C. Poet Dana Gioia, the former […]