Portrait of a Graduate
What does a New Covenant graduate look like?
We have a distinct vision of the ideal graduate, and it consists of the following seven statements. Of course, no student embodies all of these qualities – it’s an ideal. It’s a goal to which we aspire. Every faculty member, however, from the earliest grades to the senior high school, conscientiously engages in age-appropriate ways to this end.
A New Covenant Graduate is…
- a lover of truth, goodness and beauty;
- is eloquent with the written and spoken word;
- is intellectually vigorous, seeking to know God, self, and the world;
- is prudent in speech and action;
- is generous and rich in good works;
- is spiritually strong, looking to God in faith, hope and love;
encounters success with humility and failure with confidence.
Play these short videos to learn more
Lover of Truth, Goodness & Beauty
Eloquent in Written & Spoken Word
Prudent in Speech & Action
Intellectually Vigorous
Success with Humility

Taylor Thornburg Overos
Class of 2010 | Covenant College, 2014
B.A. in History: European Religious Art History
Management Consultant in Washington, D.C.
“New Covenant fostered an intentional, virtuous, academic community for most of my life that taught me how to think critically and adore the process of learning.”

Michael Whitlock
Class of 2010 | Virginia Tech, 2015 | Liberty University, 2020
B.S. in Applied Economic Management: Financial Planning
M.S. in Cyber Security
Penetration Testing Consultant for Booz Allen Hamilton
“New Covenant was instrumental in preparing me not just for college, but for all of my life’s journeys. The beauty of its classical, Christian education is sown in building a foundation to embody the mantra of a lifelong learner. From research papers, to job interviews and client meetings, New Covenant prepared me to stand tall in my beliefs and knowledge.”

Claudia Darden
Class of 2015 | James Madison University, 2019 | George Washington University, 2021
B.A. in Communication Sciences and Disorders
M.A. in Speech and Language Pathology
“At New Covenant, my teachers encouraged me to share ideas and held my thoughts with respect. Being treated as a peer in conversation with adults who I looked up to has shaped a confidence in my own thinking. This has had a positive impact on every aspect of my life after graduating.”

Laura Williamson
Class of 2013 | Hillsdale College, 2017
B.S. in Exercise Science
M.S. in Public Health
Kindergarten Teacher in China
“New Covenant Schools focuses on teaching students how to communicate well, both with the written word and verbally. In the multilingual society I live in, it’s necessary to communicate effectively. From communicating with my bilingual coworkers to working on graduate school applications, I have the tools to communicate clearly and effectively.”

Olivia Green
Class of 2018 | Randolph College, 2022
B.F.A in Theatre: Acting and Directing
B.A. in History
“New Covenant has prepared me for the future in a way that helps me stand out in college. I find that I am good at articulating arguments and am able to keep a level head while in a class discussion or even in a debate. New Covenant has also helped me to have the understanding to overcome obstacles that others set in front of me.”

Townsend Williams
Class of 2012 | Virginia Military Institute, 2016
B.A. in Economics & Business: Financial Analysis
Financial Planner at TIAA
“New Covenant Schools nurtured the development of the strong foundation on which I have built my life: A thirst for knowledge, a contented confidence, and faith in God.”

Rachael Robertson Williams
Class of 2010 | Liberty University, 2015
B.S. in Nursing
Enterprise Occupational Health Lead RN at Atrium Health
“New Covenant instilled a curiosity for knowledge in my life and taught me the value of integrity, both qualities that are integral to my success as a nurse leader. Throughout my school years, I learned to effectively communicate with my teachers and peers through debates, public speaking, and writing. Now, I can successfully communicate ideas and processes to a large audience with confidence and grace.”

Grayson Renalds
Class of 2017 | Liberty University, 2021
B.S. in Nursing
Labor and Delivery Nurse at Martha Jefferson Hospital
“The tools and study habits that I developed while at New Covenant allowed me to excel in college classes where I faced topics that I had never encountered before. Now, in the nursing field, I am continually using the skills that I learned at New Covenant such as critical thinking, reasoning, and lifelong learning as I care for my patients and face new challenges in the healthcare system.“

Drew Neiderer
Class of 2011 | Virginia Tech, 2015
Major: Applied Economics & Management
Financial Advisor at Selective Wealth Management
“New Covenant established the worldview that continues to shape my faith, knowledge base, and ideals today.”

Wesley Price
Class of 2014 | Christopher Newport University, 2018
B.A. in Communication Studies
Product Manager at Public Relay
“New Covenant’s unique approach to writing and research built a strong foundation that supported me through college and has allowed me to excel in my career as a Product Manager creating solutions to complex problems.”

Katie Hall Harris
Class of 2008 | Elon University, 2012
B.S. in Sports and Event Management
Mom to three kids
“New Covenant Schools taught me how to think critically and love learning; it taught me how to communicate effectively and engage with others who think differently than I do, and it prepared me for life by giving me a sturdy foundation of faith and knowledge.“

Perry Mundy
Class of 1998 | Liberty University, 2003
B.S. in Exercise Science
Licensed Physical Therapist Assistant & Certified Pedorthist at Select Rehabilitation, Virginia Sport and Spine, and Locomotion Orthotics LLC
“New Covenant Schools gave me the opportunity to be a big fish in a small pond; the smaller class sizes and teacher to student ratio allowed me to grow as an individual rather than be a number. This has translated directly into my current field of work where I am a leader in pedorthic intervention around the greater Lynchburg area.“