Community Service
There is so much more to school than math, Latin, literature, history or science. That’s because the spiritual and moral formation of a child is central to education.

At New Covenant we continually reflect on ways to acquaint our students with the broader responsibilities of life – responsibilities beyond their studies; responsibilities they should embrace as they enter young adulthood. Each year our students participate in Hands & Hearts, a service project that mobilizes hundreds of students and parent-volunteers through the Hill City. Our projects are diverse, involving children in planting flowers in a public park, preserving historical documents at Sandusky and historic gravesites at City Cemetery, or providing an “extreme ministry makeover” at the Salvation Army. Each student learns by doing, working alongside adult volunteers who enthusiastically modeled the value of willing service.
Our vision of education in the classical, Christian tradition is one of high academic standards, a fact that is well known in our community, and of which we are proud. No education is complete, however, unless our students are shown the duty – and the joy – of serving others. Hands & Hearts is one way that New Covenant seeks to instill this virtue.