Tuition and Fees
Application Fee | $150
Additional Fees
Grades 5-7 $250
Activity Fee (includes all field trips including all expenses for the annual retreat).
Grades 8 $300
Activity Fee (includes all field trips including all expenses for the annual retreat).
Grades 7-8 $150
Senior Trip Surcharge; non-refundable
Grades 5-8 $100
Athletic fee of $100 charged only to students who play an after school sport. This annual fee covers all seasons a student may choose to play.
Grades 9-12 $300
Activity Fee (covers all field trips including two days in Washington, DC, event tickets, etc.)
Lab Fees (where applicable) $100
Billed Separately
Senior Trip Surcharge 9-10 $200
Billed Annually
Senior Trip Surcharge 11-12 $250
Billed Annually
Athletic Fee $150
Charged only to students who play an after school sport. This annual fee covers all seasons a student may choose to play.
*Carrying charges are applied to all accounts not paid in full by June 1 . Carrying
charges are applied to accounts that are billed quarterly or monthly.
Those charges are 2.5 percent for quarterly payers and 5 percent for
monthly payers.