Tuition Transparency – Explanation of Fees

Activity Fees

New Covenant seeks to avoid “nickel-and-diming” parents for routine events, field trips and activities throughout the school year.  These activities vary from class to class, and are covered by the activity fee.  We have structured our activity fees to cover the costs of the little things – and the big things.  Thus, when the entire 6th grade class takes its first overnight trip to Williamsburg, or your high school student spends two days in Washington, DC, you will not be charged an unexpected, hefty payment.  Your activity fee covers that and much more.  

Senior Trip Surcharge

New Covenant Schools offers its students one last unique experience as they wrap up their walk with us – the Senior Class Trip. Occurring the first week after school is out, faculty chaperones lead the seniors out west to explore the beauty and wonder of the Grand Canyon, the Colorado River, Hoover Dam and Zion National Park. Activities include hiking, floating the Colorado and off-road ATVs (and yes, the students get to drive these). This is a fee-based trip and one that is optional. However, a non-refundable Senior Trip surcharge is applied to student accounts beginning in the 7th grade, effectively spreading out about one-third of the cost of the trip over five years. The balance, if the senior desires to participate, must be paid in the senior year as tickets and venues are booked.

Lab Fees

Students in the School of Rhetoric are required to take three lab sciences for graduation.  The lab fees are only charged in the term in which a student is enrolled in a science with a lab.

Exam Fee

Students who sit for specialized exams may be charged this fee if the exam is not covered by parents outside of the school’s academic program.  

Athletic Fee

Students in grades 5-12 who choose to play a co-curricular sport such as soccer, volleyball, basketball, swimming, tennis, or lacrosse are charged an annual fee.  This is a flat fee, meaning that it does not increase if a student plays more than one seasonal sport in a school year.