The Rev’d John Heaton is New Covenant’s second headmaster, following the founder of the school, Dr. Robert Littlejohn.  He has served since 1998 and is in his twenty sixth year of service.  He established the school on its permanent campus at Fleetwood Drive in Lynchburg, VA, and led the development of the school through five successful capital campaigns, providing the facilities which now serve more than 450 students through grade 12.  Fr. John is an ordained minister in the Reformed Episcopal Church and has served a parish in his home state of Florida.  He currently serves as the Associate Priest at All Saints Church which meets in the Marie Macdonald Chapel on the campus of New Covenant. Fr. John holds the BA and MA in theology, and the MA in liberal studies.   He teaches intermediate Greek in the School of Rhetoric, and he writes routinely for this blog below.

A Coherent Curriculum

One of the most important questions we could ask of any curriculum is this: “Does the curriculum cohere?” To put it a different way, we’re asking if the curriculum progresses

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Prayer and Noise

Americans are noisy people. At least the rest of the world thinks we are.  There is some research to support this, suggesting that Americans are loud because we occupy a

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Predictability And Support

At the annual faculty in-service at the beginning of the 2017 term, Headmaster Heaton addressed the faculty identifying several themes important to the long-term flourishing of our school and our

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How Order Helps

At the annual faculty in-service at the beginning of the 2017 term, Headmaster Heaton addressed the faculty identifying several themes important to the long-term flourishing of our school and our

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From Consumer to Community

Any civilization that forgets the wisdom of history and fails to honor it will suffer two evils:  apathy toward the future and, eventually, revolution.  Revolution is a complete break with

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By Definition: Education Is…

How words change! Here’s a good example. I have two definitions of education, both from Webster: 2017 – Education:  The action of process of educating or of being educated. BUT….back

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