The Rev’d John Heaton is New Covenant’s second headmaster, following the founder of the school, Dr. Robert Littlejohn.  He has served since 1998 and is in his twenty sixth year of service.  He established the school on its permanent campus at Fleetwood Drive in Lynchburg, VA, and led the development of the school through five successful capital campaigns, providing the facilities which now serve more than 450 students through grade 12.  Fr. John is an ordained minister in the Reformed Episcopal Church and has served a parish in his home state of Florida.  He currently serves as the Associate Priest at All Saints Church which meets in the Marie Macdonald Chapel on the campus of New Covenant. Fr. John holds the BA and MA in theology, and the MA in liberal studies.   He teaches intermediate Greek in the School of Rhetoric, and he writes routinely for this blog below.

Where do the Grads Go?

Current and prospective parents often ask what our students do after graduation from the School of Rhetoric. They’re really asking a couple of questions, “Where do they go to college?”

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Looking Forward to Easter

My students in middle school chapel all agree with me that they look forward to Christmas. Along about  Halloween the stores are displaying their obnoxious Christmas sale signs, and by Thanksgiving, we

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Character Matters Now

Wow!   The last several weeks have driven home to me a singular truth.  Character matters.  And what is character?  Someone quipped, “Character is who you are when you are by

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