Mary Poppins

The Panache Players staged a eight showings of Mary Poppins over the past two weeks, all to sold out audiences, setting a record of over 900 tickets sold. It was […]
Men’s Varsity Basketball State Champions

Our Varsity Men’s basketball team entered the Virginia Independent School Athletic Association (VISAA) State tournament last week. The team defeated Stuart Hall at home in the first round with Senior […]
Middle Spelling Bee

New Covenant held the annual spelling bee last Friday in Moomaw Center. Students in Middle School studied for several weeks in preparation for the event which lasted for a record-breaking […]

The SOR will hosted their annual Cotillion. Students danced the night away and carried on the traditions including The Grand March and the Junior Class Presentation which celebrates the Junior […]

We loved seeing our alumni and cheering our Gryphons on at homecoming. It was an exciting night for basketball, with all of our teams bringing home victories. During halftime, the […]
Lessons and Carols

New Covenant’s 7th-12th grade orchestras, bands, and choirs performed a special evening of Lessons and Carols. We love celebrating the birth of our Savior together through this time honored-tradition.
Men’s Retreat

Around 35 New Covenant dads attended the Men’s Retreat at Bold Branch Farm over the weekend. They enjoyed delicious food, fun activities, and were encouraged by Headmaster Heaton as he […]
Community Lecture Series: Keith McCurdy

Special speaker Keith McCurdy spoke with students to discuss issues facing today’s youth and how to be resilient. In the evening he held a special seminar for parents to discuss […]
SOR Poetry Recital

The School of Rhetoric gathered around bonfires and sipped hot chocolate to enjoy the annual Poetry Recital. The winners were: 9th Grade- Joel Ng, 10th Grade- Ryleigh Taylor, 11th Grade- […]
Engine 8 Visits New Covenant

Our Pre-K and Kindergarten students had a friendly visit from Engine 8, and the firefighters shared all about fire safety with the students.